My main project this year is to further develop a new 2D cel-animation workflow using a blend of AI tools such as Midjourney, Pika labs and Runway, composited in Unreal Engine for planar animation. More can be seen here

Where I went in 2023:

India Portugal USA

London Greece Romania

Hungary Spain Turkey

Artists/Thought Leaders I’m Following:

Shea Lord

Austin Saylor

Maciej Kuciara

Ali Hoff

Greedy Goons


Ronnie Koff

Hayley Akins

Chris Do


Ash Thorp

What I’m watching at the moment:

Blue Eye Samurai

What I’m reading:

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

What I’ve read recently and would recommend:

Win Without Pitching

A Deadly Education

The Count of Monte Cristo

Inspiration for this page: now now now